
Clergy News

The Very Rev. Kara Wagner Sherer Elected Bishop of Rochester

Dear Friends:

With great pleasure, I am writing to tell you that earlier this afternoon, the Very Rev. Kara Wagner Sherer, rector of St. John’s, Chicago, and dean of the Chicago North Deanery, was elected bishop of Rochester on the fifth ballot by the people of that diocese.

The people of Rochester have seen in Kara what many of us have long known—her strong and confident leadership, love for justice, and call to foster reconciliation and healing among God’s people. I am grateful for her service to our diocese as a regional dean and current member of the Standing Committee, and the many other ways she has fostered our common life over twenty-eight years of ministry. It will be my joy to serve with her in the House of Bishops.

Even as we celebrate with Kara and the people of Rochester, I know that we will miss her wisdom and generosity at St. John’s and in our diocesan life. Please pray for the people of St. John’s as they prepare to say goodbye to her, and for all of us for whom the news of her departure is bittersweet.

Pending the consent of a majority of Episcopal Church bishops with jurisdiction and diocesan standing committees, Kara will be ordained and consecrated as the 9th Bishop of Rochester on July 13. Before then, we will find time to celebrate her ministry with us and send both her and John off to New York with our love and prayers.

Peace and blessings,

Bishop Paula Clark