
Sanctuary Diocese Task Force

Sanctuary Task Force Update

From Jack Lloyd and the Rev. Sandra Castillo

On November 15, 2022, US District Judge Emmet Sullivan struck down Title 42, which was used by the federal government to expel asylum seekers. The ruling applies to families and single adults. Judge Sullivan granted a stay until December 21, 2022 for the government to prepare to admit asylum seekers into the country.[1] Churches and not-for-profits are now preparing to welcome a larger number of newcomers who are seeking asylum. As we observe Advent when Mary and Joseph journeyed in harsh conditions to the village of Bethlehem, please consider accepting the following opportunities to welcome our new neighbors.


  1. Centro Romero, 6216 N Clark St, Chicago, IL, 773- 508-5300, is accepting both gently used and new (especially winter) clothing for the asylum  from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm.
  2. Casa Michoacan, 1638 S Blue Island Ave, Chicago, IL, (312) 491-9317, is accepting donations of only winter clothing, both gently used and new, from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 4 pm.
  3. The Interfaith Community for Detained Immigrants is holding a winter clothing drive. The greatest need is for new and gently used adult winter coats and thick jackets. Also needed are men’s pants, adult shoes, and belts. The main drop off location is in downtown Chicago at 601 W Harrison St, Chicago, IL 60607. A second drop off site will open soon at the Elmhurst Presbyterian Church, 367 Spring Rd, Elmhurst, IL 60126. Please make an appointment to drop off clothing donations by emailing Colin McCormick at

*Gently used clothing must be free of holes, tears, and stains.


  1. The Interfaith Community for Detained Immigrants is accepting cash donations and in-kind donations of other items via a wishlist through its website:
  2. The Resurrection Project is accepting donations for its Texas Immigrant Rapid Response Fund to support incoming families and individuals with emergency housing, healthcare, and support solutions.!/donation/checkout
  3. The Sanctuary Working Group, part of the Chicago Religious Leadership Network (CRLN), continues to provide emergency and temporary housing for asylum seekers. The Sanctuary Working Group is funded through financial donations to CRLN’s Immigrants’ Emergency Fund,


The Interfaith Community for Detained Immigrants is seeking English and bilingual volunteers to sort and organize clothing donations at its two locations:

  1. CITA Storage Unit – 601 W Harrison St, Chicago, IL 60607, sign up for a shift here;
  2. Elmhurst Presbyterian Church – 367 Spring Rd, Elmhurst, IL 60126; shifts: Monday – Friday 9am-12pm, Sundays 11:30-1:30pm. To sign up for a shift, please contact Cristi at 630-834-7750 or at


Congregations can support asylum seekers and help them integrate into our communities by providing short- and long-term housing. Individuals and congregations can help reunite families by serving as sponsors for family members seeking to leave their home countries to join their loved ones who seek asylum in the US.

For further information, please email the Rev. Sandra Castillo.

[1] Please check out this article for more information on various policies the government is considering in response to the elimination of Title 42: “Scoop: Biden administration eyes border overhaul as Title 42 ends”.