

शिकागो फेथ लीडर्स लामेंट अटलांटा शूटिंग्स, एशियन अमेरिकन के खिलाफ हिंसा

शिकागो फेथ लीडर्स लामेंट अटलांटा शूटिंग्स, एशियन अमेरिकन के खिलाफ हिंसा

भलाई करना सीखो; यत्न से न्याय करो उत्पीड़ितों की रक्षा करो। (यशायाह 1:17, NIV) शिकागो के एपिस्कोपल डायोसेसी (Episcopal dioces), मैट्रोपोलिटन शिकागो सिनॉड (Metropolitan Cultonod), अमेरिका में एवान्जेलिकल लूथरान चर्च (Evangelical Lutheran Church) और यूनाइटेड मेथडिस्ट चर्च (United Methodisist Church) के उत्तरी इलिनोइस सम्मेलन के सदस्यों की ओर से हम 16 मार्च को मेट्रोपॉलिटन अटलांटा…


Democracy Project 2020

Democracy Project 2020

The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights‘ (ICIRR) member organizations are mobilizing to register and encourage people to vote in the November election. The Sanctuary Task Force is asking the Diocese of Chicago’s congregations to participate in the Democracy Project 2020. There are three options in which congregations can volunteer: text banking; phone banking; and volunteering with one…


2020 United Thank Offering Fall Ingathering

This month, United Thank Offering leaders hope that Episcopal congregations will prepare for the fall ingathering of the offering that encourages people to give thanks to God for their blessings. In 2020, the offering will support ministries across the Episcopal Church most affected by Covid-19. “Be as creative as you want,” writes Diocese of Chicago…